The Office Chair is a Leading Contributor to Seated Work Injury

Learn to Select the Right Chairs for Your Organization!

Pace yourself through four learning modules to develop your knowledge and skills in chair assessment and selection for your employees. 

You will learn:  

  1. Why chairs are foundational to good ergonomics.
  2. How and why people sit the way they do.
  3. How employees use the chairs you’ve provided them incorrectly and why.
  4. How to select a chair based on essential functions and or employee stature.
  5. What chair accessories, “bells and whistles” do you really need?
  6. How to use our unique Chair Assessment Tool, Inventory Database and Dashboard.
  7. And so much more...

Ergonomic chairs are the most important asset in the workplace, aside from the computer contributing to employee productivity.

 It's time to recognize the value of ergonomic chairs and the people who use them as the most critical combined asset driving health and productivity in your workplace. 

Stop guessing at what chairs to buy, or when to replace them. 

End the Cycle of Chair Failures in Your Workplace, Now!

Who Should Take This Course?

This course is for you if you evaluate people who use ergonomic chairs; if you purchase or sell chairs; if you manage facilities; or you manage risk in the workplace.

Eliminate Unsafe Chairs in the Workplace!

Manage your Chairs as an Asset Before They Become Liabilities.

In this course, you will have access to:

  • Four self-paced learning modules with in-depth lessons regarding all you’ll need to know about chair assessment and selection of ergonomic chairs in the workplace
  • Exercises to build your knowledge and practice in assessing ergonomic chair design.
  • Instructional video and educational resources to validate and enhance learning.
  • A full license to use our exclusive Ergonomic Chair Assessment Software®
  • Two live small group coaching Q&A sessions with your instructor, Alison Heller-Ono MSPT, CDA, CASp, CIE, CPE.
  • Access to our private Linked In group to share your thoughts and questions with your course colleagues.
  • Unlimited access for one year to the CAT course, resources and videos

Upon successful completion of the course and exercises, you’ll receive your Certificate of Achievement in Chair Assessment.

For just one payment of $497.00 or two payments of $279.00, you will gain control over your chair assets like never before and transform your organization, employee health and chair satisfaction, all critical aspects of  a well workplace.

At the end of the year, you can renew for $97.00 to extend your access to our latest Chair Assessment Resource library for ongoing support and upgrades to the Ergonomic Chair Assessment tools.

A Happy Customer

Valuable for Any Business!

Elizabeth Kirk, PhD

This course makes it easy to select the right chair for each employee and immediately implement an effective chair maintenance program. Participants leave with the skills to immediately review all current office chairs, build a maintenance program and report on the cost benefits of either repairing or replacing current chairs. The Worksite International Chair Assessment Course is valuable for any business. The Chair Assessment Tool (CAT) and Chair Assessment System (CAS) should be considered essential for any employer looking to choose and maintain the best chairs for employee health, safety, comfort and productivity.

Preview of Chair Assessment Curriculumn

    1. Welcome! Before you get started: Watch this video about course expectations.

    2. Requirements to Earn Your CASp

    3. CASp Course Tracker (updates_8-2023)

    4. On-the-Go Online Course Resources

    5. Visit the WINetwork Membership Program and Resource Library (monthly for best success)

    6. Join our Professional Ergonomics Community: Your WINetwork of Certified Ergonomics Specialists

    1. About Your WISEE license of Ergonomic Evaluation forms and tool set

    2. Read and Accept Worksite International System of Ergonomics Evaluations License (v. 111223)

    3. Course Disclaimer

    4. Our Success Guarantee

    5. Chair Assessment Training Intake Survey: What are Your Course Goals?

    6. How to Photograph Employees in the Workplace

    7. Set up your 1st course coaching call with Alison

    1. Lesson 1: Define ergonomics

    2. Lesson 2: Define Scope of the Problem (with Chairs)

    3. Lesson 2: Discussion Points

    4. Lesson 3: Five steps to setting up the seated workstation

    5. Lesson 4: Chairs are foundational to good ergonomics

    6. Lesson 5: The history and culture of chairs

    7. Assignment #1: The Social Hierarchy of Chairs

    8. Lesson 6: Common types of chairs in the workplace

    9. Assignment #2: Are Your Employees On the Ball

    10. Lesson 7: Chair Fit or Misfit

    11. Assignment #3: Chair Fit or Misfit

    12. Lesson 8: Optional Readings for Module 1

    13. Refresh your memory quiz (Module 1)

    1. Introduction to Module 2

    2. Lesson 1: Health impacts arising from prolong sitting

    3. Lesson 2: What is posture?

    4. Lesson 3: Review of Human Anatomy as it relates to sitting and chairs

    5. Module 2: Research and Resources

    6. CASp Coaching Session #1 (recorded) Module 1 and 2 Review

    7. CASp Coaching Session #2 (recorded)

    1. There is no lesson 1 or 2 for Module 3. Proceed to Lesson 3.

    2. Lesson 3: What makes a chair ergonomic?

    3. Lesson 4: Common manufactures in the USA, Canada and EU.

    4. Lesson 5: Common Chair Bells and Whistles: What features do you really need?

    5. Lesson 6: Armrests pros and cons; how to specify armrests

    6. Lesson 7: Chair Accessories and Supports: Do We Really Need Them? -

    7. Lesson 8: How to adjust an ergonomic chair

    8. Assignment #4: Active vs. Task Chairs

    9. Assignment #5: What Chairs Do You Have? Active vs. Task Chair

    10. Reading Resources

    1. Module 4: Introduction to the Chair Assessment System

    2. Lesson 1: How chairs fail: Competency of chairs and chair safety

    3. Lesson 2: Introduction to the Chair Assessment System

    4. Read this Research Paper: The Worksite International Chair Assessment Model

    5. Lesson 3: How to evaluate a chair using the Chair Assessment Tool (CAT).

    6. Using Chair Asset Management Tags

    7. Assignment #6: Evaluate Your Chairs with the Chair Assessment Tool

    8. Lesson 4: The Chair Assessment Inventory database, dashboard and analytics

    9. Video Instruction for Chair Assessment Tool and Chair Assessment Inventory Database

    10. CASp Coaching Session #5 (recorded)

    11. Assignment #7: Complete a Chair Assessment Database

    12. Assignment #8: Analyze a Chair Assessment Inventory Database

    13. Lesson 5: Creating a chair standards policy

    14. Assignment # 9: Create Your Chair Standards Policy

    15. Test Your Chair Assessment Knowledge

About this course

  • $997.00
  • 98 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content

Pricing options

Investing in our Chair Assessment Training will not only make you more chair aware. You'll have the tools you need to inventory and assess chairs for quality, competency and sustainability while reducing employee risk of seated work injuries! We offer two convenient ways to pay.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is this course available at any time after I pay?

    Chair Assessment Training is an online, on-demand, self-paced, pre-recorded program focusing exclusively on ergonomic office chairs. Once you pay, you will have unlimited access to the resources and videos for one year.

  • What forms and tools come with my enrollment?

    Your enrollment includes a license to use our Ergonomic Chair Assessment Software (CAS, Excel) which features our Chair Assessment Inventory Database and our Chair Assessment Tool (pdf). These will help you to determine whether to keep, repair or replace your chairs. You'll also receive a fillable chair standards guideline to help you with consistency in chair buying habits, so you don't wind up with a ton of bad, uncomfortable chairs!

  • What if I have questions on how to use the Ergonomic Chair Assessment Tools?

    This course includes an instructional video explaining how to use the CAS; unlimited email and two live 60 minute Q&A small group coaching sessions with Alison Heller-Ono where you can ask questions and get the answers you need. We'll schedule this 2 weeks after enrollment opens for everyone. You'll also have access to our internal discussion feature and our private Linked In group to share your thoughts and questions with your course colleagues.

  • Is there homework or exercises with this course?

    Each module includes exercises and homework designed to build your knowledge and practice in assessing ergonomic chair design and selection. To earn your Certificate of Achievement, you should submit your homework for review. We will review the assignments in the live coaching sessions and discuss solutions.

  • What will I receive upon completion of the course?

    When you complete all four modules and the exercises within each module, you'll receive a Certificate of Achievement in Chair Assessment using the Worksite International Chair Assessment System.

  • Does Alison recommend what chairs to buy in this training?

    Not specifically. We will discuss a variety of chairs and stools in this program but do not specifically endorse any products. Certain chairs are highlighted for their features and benefits. Chair videos and other educational resources are used to enhance your learning experience.

  • Does this course teach me how to do a chair fitting also?

    No. If you want to learn how to do a prescriptive chair fitting, you will need to sign up for our Chair Fitting Class. If you want to learn chair assessment and fitting techniques, then we recommend you enroll in our Chair Assessment Specialist Masterclass. When you sign up for the Masterclass, you will automatically be enrolled in the Chair Fit Training and receive all the inclusive resources and forms to perform a chair fitting along with many other benefits.

Another Satisfied Chair Assessor!

Invaluable Information!

Stephanie Weber, Ergonomics Consultant

As an ergonomic consultant, this is the second class I've taken from Alison. This course included a lot of invaluable information for me, even after many years of working as an ergonomist! The Chair Assessment training gave me much more depth in my approach to chair ergonomics. Also, I always love Alison's inspiration and encouragement.

I'm Helping My Co-Workers!

Jayhee A., EH&S Engineer, JSR Micro North America

The Chair Assessment Specialist Masterclass taught me an incredible amount about the importance of chair fits and assessments and how to properly conduct them. I enjoyed the monthly group and 1:1 coaching sessions, which provided an opportunity for me to ask specific questions on different areas I wanted clarification on. Now I feel equipped with the knowledge and skills to help my entire company do their chair fits/assessments. I have already done a few since receiving my Certificate and my coworkers have really appreciated the knowledge I am now passing on to them to keep our company safe.

Your Chair Assessment Resources

Enroll in our Chair Assessment Training and Receive Our Chair Assessment Software Tools!

  • Chair Assessment Tool

    Use our unique Chair Assessment Tool (CAT) to objectively evaluate individual chairs without bias. Our valid CAT is based on the 6 primary categories most important to determine chair safety, comfort and sustainability.

  • Chair Assessment Inventory Database

    Use our novel chair assessment inventory database to keep track of your chair fleet and determine which chairs to keep in circulation, repair or refurbish or remove before they cause harm to employees in the workplace. Use our dashboard to track critical patterns in chair comfort, sustainability and value to justify the purchase of new, quality chairs.

  • Chair Standards Guideline

    Create a chair standards guideline or policy for your organization to define what chairs can be purchased and from which vendors for consistency in chair buying for an organizational approach. Create clear guidelines on when a chair fitting is recommended to assure the employees get the best fitting chair possible.

What Else Do I Get When I Enroll in the Chair Assessment Training?

You'll have access to Alison Heller-Ono MSPT, CDA, CASp, CIE, CPE, a leading expert in ergonomic chairs and Board Certified Professional Ergonomist

  • How much support do I get with the Chair Assessment Training?

    We will have two small group coaching classes live on Zoom to support the Chair Assessment Training participants about 2 weeks after official enrollment begins. Then 2 weeks after that we will have another small group coaching class. These are interactive, discussion based classes where Alison will be available to answer your questions or bring to light important aspects contained in the course.

  • Is there any one: one mentorship provided?

    No, not directly in this class. If you would like additional support, enroll in the Chair Assessment Masterclass where you will learn how to perform a chair fitting. Alison will mentor you through your first 3 chair fittings with one: one coaching to make sure you fit and select the best chair possible and provide other support relevant to course curriculum.

  • If I have a question, can I email Alison?

    You can email Alison at any time regarding anything course related. However, we encourage you to also ask questions in the private Linked In Chair Assessment Group we have to share with your colleagues. They likely have the same question or appreciate yours! And Alison will chime in the conversation too.

Wait! Before you sign up.... would you like to be a Certified Chair Assessment Specialst (CASp)?

Register for our Chair Assessment Specialist Masterclass which includes all the features of the Chair Assessment Training and Chair Fit Training. Enrollment is limited to the first 15 people who register.

About Alison Heller-Ono MSPT, CDA, CASp, CIE, CPE

President and CEO Alison Heller-Ono

Alison Heller-Ono is a pioneer in the field of consulting ergonomics having started Worksite International, Inc. in 1993. Alison brings a unique perspective and approach to workplace ergonomics as a Board Certified Professional Ergonomist, Physical Therapist and Disability Analyst. You can read more about Alison at